Out of School Clubs

MOROs is an extended service provision at Morecambe Road School; managed, located and staffed by Morecambe Road School. It welcomes all children with additional needs – this includes pupils from Morecambe Road School and the local community.

As a service delivered by the school, the clubs are governed by the Extended Services Committee and all school policies and procedures apply to the clubs and staff. Please refer to our schools Policy page on this website.

Sessions are designed to enable your child to experience a wide range of creative and physical activities that will improve their confidence and independence. All sessions are run by experienced staff from School.

It is always our aim to meet all the needs of your child/children. For this purpose if your child does not attend Morecambe Road School as a pupil we will want to meet them and yourselves. This enables us to get to know the child, for the child to get to know us and for you to have the opportunity to tell us about your child – their needs, likes and dislikes, medical needs, emergency contacts and all relevant background information. From this information we will then raise appropriate care plans, any necessary risk assessments eg manual handling and ensure that we have correct staffing levels in place. You can also arrange a welcome visit via the school website or school telephone number. The visit will have to take place prior to the first MOROs session




Morecambe Road School provides Holiday Clubs through Break Time funding from Lancashire County Council. Children and young people attending the clubs need to be registered with Break Time 
Details of our upcoming Holiday Clubs are as follows:
Easter 2025 is our next Holiday Club - running from Monday 7th April 25 until Thursday 10th April 2025. Email office@morecamberoad.lancs.sch.uk if you would like to add your details to the booking list. Please note at present we can only offer 2 days per family due to a high level of demand, in your email please mention your preferred day(s)


The All About Me Books need to be completed by all Parents/Carers prior to your child attending any Mo-Ro activities. The booklet will give us a brief outline of your child’s need, likes and dislikes and medical needs. This will ensure we have the correct staffing in place. If not completed we will not be able to accommodate your child as their safety is paramount to us.

Bookings and payment for the Breakfast Club and After School Club can be made via a Parent's Parent Pay Account (same as School Lunches and Trips). Bookings for the Holiday Clubs are made direct with the School Office - email office@morecamberoad.lancs.sch.uk or call 01524 414384.

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Morecambe Road School

Morecambe Road, Morecambe LA3 3AB

Anna Dootson | Head Teacher

01524 414384 office@morecamberoad.lancs.sch.uk

Morecambe Road School has more than 60 years of experience in teaching children with special educational needs